

AirMessage enables iMessage on your Android phone, Windows PC, Linux computer, or Chromebook.

iMessage through browser

This thread is about sending iMessage or SMS/MMS through a web browser, not using the iPhone. Yes. The answer is no, you can't. Show more ...

3 Ways to Access iMessage Online

1. How to Login Into iMessage Account? · Step 1. Open “Settings” by tapping its icon. · Step 2. After the settings menu opens, click on the “Sign in to your ...

在iPhone 上或線上取消註冊iMessage

如果有人使用iMessage 傳送訊息到你的Apple ID,你會在其他Apple 裝置上收到訊息。如果有人傳送簡訊到你的電話號碼,則只有你的手機會以SMS/MMS 的形式收到該則簡訊。

How to Use iMessage Online | A Detailed Guide 2023

Launch the Messages app on your Mac PC, Macbook, or any other Apple device. Go to Preferences, and then Accounts. Sign in to your Apple ID. There you go! Now ...


有些家長確實需要在線閱讀孩子的iMessage。 本文將向您展示一些最好的間諜應用程序,並提供替代解決方案。

View iMessage Online on Windows PC or Mac Computer

You can view iMessages from Mac or Windows PC easily. And, PhoneRescue for iOS helps you to check messages and iMessages online on both Mac and Windows PC.

How to Check iMessages Online

Step 1: Open the “Messages”application and click on “Messages”, followed by “Preferences”. Step 2: Tick the box next to “Save history when conversations are ...

Apple's iMessage can now be used on PCs

The new feature lets you message contacts that also have iPhones from your computer and view iMessage conversations on your PC in a simplified ...

iCloud.com - will they ever add iMessage?

Although not web based, you can use iMessage on both Mac OS and Windows computers. iCloud for Windows must be installed for Windows. I ...


AirMessageenablesiMessageonyourAndroidphone,WindowsPC,Linuxcomputer,orChromebook.,ThisthreadisaboutsendingiMessageorSMS/MMSthroughawebbrowser,notusingtheiPhone.Yes.Theanswerisno,youcan't.Showmore ...,1.HowtoLoginIntoiMessageAccount?·Step1.Open“Settings”bytappingitsicon.·Step2.Afterthesettingsmenuopens,clickonthe“Signintoyour ...,如果有人使用iMessage傳送訊息到你的AppleID,你會在其他Apple裝置上...